This guide provides troubleshooting information based on the status flags triggered on the drive. It presents possible causes, along with suggestions for investigation and corrective actions. Status flags report the status of the drive without this necessarily indicating a faulty state. Therefore, the troubleshooting will be conducted based on possible problematic conditions that co-exist with the respective status flag. 


Command Priorities 

The drive can receive motor commands from various sources, including Serial, Analog, Pulse, Script, and Field Buses. Status flags indicate the command modes for Serial, Pulse, and Analog inputs. The drive transitions between these modes based on a user-defined priority. The watchdog timer must expire before the drive can switch from a higher-priority to a lower-priority command. The timer expiration is contingent upon not receiving a new command within the set interval. However, for Analog and Pulse commands, the transition occurs directly once the command becomes inactive. It's also important to note that transitions controlled by the watchdog timer will not happen if the watchdog is disabled (i.e., set to a zero value). By default, commands received through script or field buses are assigned the highest priority.



The Serial flag indicates the command mode. The drive switches between the supported command modes based on user-defined priority. For serial communication, to transition from a higher to a lower priority command, the watchdog timer must first expire. Note that this transition will not happen if the watchdog is disabled (set to a zero value). 

Serial commands can be received from the following sources, and all will have the same priority: 

  • USB
  • RS232
  • RS485
  • Ethernet

The troubleshooting table based on the Serial flag follows: 


Possible causes


Corrective actions

Serial display is flickering

The watchdog timer is set with a timeout value that is less than the sender's transmission rate, causing it to expire prematurely.

Confirm that the watchdog timer is configured with a higher value than the sender's send rate.

Decrease the senders Motor command send rate

Increase the watchdog timer value


Conflicts between different types of input commands

Confirm that the desired communication mode is set with the higher priority.

Confirm that there is no other command source configured on the drive (e.g. pulse or analog).

Confirm that no other types of commands are transmitted by external devices.

 Confirm that no script commands are issued that override the default command.

Disable the other command inputs

Serial display does not turn ON

No serial commands are received at the serial port. 

Verify if there is a bad connection in the serial cable.

Ensure that the master device is sending the serial commands. You can use a serial terminal to verify this.

If using the runtab on Roborun+ to drive the motor make sure that the slider is not muted.

Fix any connection issues

Enable Serial commands on the master controller

 Unmute the slider

The watchdog timer is turned off, which causes the system to stick to the last received command. The system won’t switch to higher priority commands because the watchdog timer, which should trigger the switch, is not active (its value is set to zero).

Ensure that the Watchdog timer is enabled

Enable the watchdog timer by configuring a non-zero value

Serial display does not turn OFF

The watchdog timer is disabled. When the watchdog timer is not active, it will not trigger a timeout, preventing the drive from moving on to assess the next command source.

Ensure that the Watchdog timer is enabled

Enable the watchdog timer by configuring a non-zero value

The slider is unmuted. The serial command input accepts RS-232, USB, RS-485, and TCP commands. If an RS-232 command is not received, but other serial commands are (for example, the Roborun slider can be unmuted), the drive will continue to receive serial commands and the watchdog timer will not time out.

Investigate if the slider is unmuted. 

 Mute the slidebar



The Pulse flag indicates the command mode. The drive transitions between the supported command modes based on user-defined priorities. For pulse communication, to switch from a higher to a lower priority command, the present command must first become inactive. A pulse command is considered inactive if the ‘keep within min/max’ option is enabled and the command value falls outside the set minimum and maximum range.

The troubleshooting table follows: 


Possible causes


Corrective actions

Pulse display is flickering

A command of higher priority may occasionally be received.

The pulse input connection is unstable, which results in the pulse command falling below the configured minimum range. Once the pulse command goes out of range, the command mode will directly switch to the next higher priority command.

The pulse input values may go out of range. If the pulse command exceeds or falls short of the configured minimum/maximum range, the pulse command will be considered idle, and the command mode will switch to the next higher priority command.

The input being used does not support pulse commands. In certain hardware revisions, there are shared inputs that serve different functions. These inputs may not be intended for use with pulse commands, resulting in the pulse command being unstable.

Check for additional command sources. These may include a device connected to the bus, the Roborun+ utility sending serial commands through the slider, or motor commands issued through a script.

Use an oscilloscope to verify that the pulse input is consistent.

Check if the pulse input specifications are within range (amplitude, frequency, pulse width, etc.). The specifications can be found in the datasheet for each controller.

Refer to the controller's datasheet to determine if the input being used is suitable for pulse commands.

Clear the other input types from the priorities list and set the Pulse input to the highest priority.

Fix the pulse input connection, or replace the pulse source if found to be malfunctioning.

Replace the pulse source if its specs fall outside the supported range.

 Use alternative inputs if the ones being used do not support pulse signals.

Pulse display does not turn ON

No pulse commands are being received at the pulse input.

The pulse input is not enabled.

A higher-priority command is received, preventing the command input from switching to pulse mode.

The watchdog timer is disabled, and the command priority defaults to the last command received.

The pulse input values stay out of range. 
If the keep withing min/max setting is enabled and the pulse command exceeds or falls short of the configured minimum/maximum range, the pulse command will be considered idle, and the command mode will switch to the next higher priority command.

Use an oscilloscope to confirm that there is a pulse signal on the input.

Confirm that the pulse input is enabled and set as Motor command. If the pulse input is enabled, the pulse input value should be displayed in the Roborun+ Pulse input field.

Ensure that no commands from other kinds of sources are received (e.g., script, analog input, etc.). Set the pulse input as the highest priority. Ensure that the slider is unmuted.

Ensure that the watchdog timer is enabled to allow the transition to pulse mode.

Ensure that the pulse input value is within the configured minimum/maximum range.

Enable Pulse Input and set it as motor command

Disable all the other command modes and set pusle input as the highest priority.

Mute the Roborun+ slider.

Enable the watchdog timer.

 Send a valid pulse input command, that falls inside the configured min/max range or configure the min max limits accordingly. 

Pulse display does not turn OFF

The pulse command is still present.

More than one pulse input is configured, and they are receiving commands.

Electrical noise in the pulse inputs is recognized as a pulse signal.

Investigate whether the pulse input goes off or if keep withing min/max setting is enabled, if it falls out of the configured ranges.

Check if more than one pulse inputs are used.

Use an oscilloscope to investigate whether the pulse input is clean of noise when the pulse command goes off. Observe the pulse input readings on Roborun+ to determine if the electrical noise is indeed being interpreted as a pulse signal.

Ensure that the pulse input goes off or falls out of the configured ranges.

Disable the unused pulse inputs.

 Use common electrical noise reduction techniques, such as shielded cables, ferrite beads, or hardware filters. Maintain the greatest possible distance between power and control cables. Please note that hardware additions can distort the signal.




The Analog flag indicates the command mode. The drive transitions between the supported command modes based on user-defined priorities. For analog communication, to switch from a higher to a lower priority command, the present command must first become inactive. An analog command is considered inactive if the ‘keep within guard bands’ option is enabled and the command value falls outside the set minimum and maximum range.

The troubleshooting table follows: 


Possible causes


Corrective actions

Analog display is flickering

A command of a higher priority might occasionally be received

Check for additional command sources. These may include a device connected to the bus, the Roborun+ utility sending serial commands through the slider, or motor commands issued through a script.

Use an oscilloscope to verify that the analog input is consistent.

Disable the other command inputs


Analog display does not turn ON

A higher-priority command is received that prevents the command input to switch to serial

The analog input action is not set to ‘motor command’

‘Center command to start’ selection is enabled

Use multimeter to confirm that there is a voltage in the input.

Confirm that the analog input is enabled and set as Motor command. If the analog input is enabled, the analog input value should be displayed in the Roborun+ analog input field.

Ensure that no commands from other kinds of sources are received (e.g., script, pulse input, etc.). Set the analog input as the highest priority. Ensure that the slider is unmuted.

Ensure that the watchdog timer is enabled to allow the transition to analog mode.

Disable the other command inputs

Set the action of the analog input used to "motor command"

If ‘Center command to start’ selection is enabled, move the analog input to zero to start

Analog display does not turn OFF

No higher priority commands are received. The command input will not change from analog, unless a higher priority command is received. The analog input is considered to be always present, as any voltage from 0 to 5 V is valid.

‘Keep within guard bands’ selection is not enabled. 

Investigate whether commands of higher priority are present. 


Investigate whether the ‘Keep withing guard bands’ selection is enabled and if the analog command falls between the configured min/max range. 

Configure and use a command of a higher priority


Enable keep within guard bands option and send a command withing the configured range.



FETs Off


FETs off indicates that power stage is disabled and coexists with another flag that declares the error. Every fault that disables the power stage will be triggered together with Fets off.  

The troubleshooting table follows: 

Possible causes


Corretive actions

One or more faults that disable the power stage have been triggered

Identify the motor or fault flag that is triggered together with the Fets Off status flag

Troubleshooting according to the coexisting flag




Stall flag is triggered when any of the motor channels is on stall, and it will be accompanied by the stall Motor flag (FM) specifying the exact motor that is on stall. 

The troubleshooting table follows: 

Possible causes


Corrective actions

One or more channels are on Stall. A stall in the motor that will trigger the respective Motor flag, will be reported also through the Status flags

Investigate by referring to the Stall error on motor flags troubleshooting table

Based on the Stall error on motor flags troubleshooting table


At Limit

At Limit status flag will be triggered if the forward or reverse limits are reached in any of the motor channels. The status flag will be followed by the motor flag indicating the exact channel and limit (forward or reverse) that is reached. 

The troubleshooting table follows: 

Possible causes


Corrective actions

The motor has reached the forward or reverse limits. The specific limit that is reached will be reported through the FwdLim and RevLim motor flag.

Investigate by referring to the forward and reverse limit switch motor flags troubleshooting table.

Based on the forward and reverse

limit switch motor flags troubleshooting table.



STO Flag indicates that the STO is triggered. STO is properly enabled when both STO inputs are high and disabled when both STO inputs are LOW. In any other case, the ‘STO Faul’ fault flag will be triggered. 


Possible causes


Corrective Actions

STO is not triggered 

STO jumper is still in place. Some motor drives incorporate jumpers that bypass the STO function. If the jumper is not removed, the STO cannot be enabled. 

The software STO is not enabled in the drive. The STO is a hardware implementation and will cut the power of the power stage. However if the software STO is not enable, the operation will not be reported by the drive. 


The STO input is damaged.


Check if the jumper is in place. The jumper exists in a reachable location on the motor drive. To find the exact jumper’s location consult the motor drive’s datasheet.

Check whether the STO in enabled in the Roborun+ software. 


Confirm if the controller volts, which reports the MOSFET driver’s voltage is still present when the STO inputs are off. Absence of the voltage denotes that the hardware STO is triggered even if it is not reported by the motor drives status flags.  

If both STO inputs are low, software STO is enabled but the STO is not triggered the STO hardware might be damaged. This should be reported by the ‘STO fault’ fault flag.

If STO is not meant to be used, the STO jumper should be put in place and STO should be disabled through the Utility

 If STO feature is used, then both STO inputs should be high for normal operation and the STO should be enabled through the Utility. Refer to the STO manual for more information.

If the drive is found to be damaged it should be replaced. Contact technical support in such case. 


Run Script

This flag indicates that there is a script running in the drive. It will remain active as long as the script runs and it will turn off when the script execution is finished. 



Possible causes


Corrective Actions

RunScript indication is ON

The script is still being executed. The script will run until all lines have been executed. If there is a loop, the execution will continue as many times as the command specifies.

 The script is configured to run on the startup of the controller.


Verify if the script is set to automatically run on startup (navigate through Start up > Scripting > autorun).

If the script's behavior is not as intended, modify the script and adjust the settings accordingly.

RunSript indication does not turn OFF

The script is still being executed. The script will run until all lines have been executed. If there is a loop, the execution will continue as many times as the command specifies.

A bad script can make the controller crash and prevent interaction with the Utility in order to stop the script.

The same can happen if there is an endless loop without any delays (wait function) that can overload the MCU and prevent it from performing other operations such as motor control and communications. 

Look through the script to verify if there is any error. If the script is not meant to run forever ensure that the necessary condition to terminate it is present.

 Check if there is a fast blinking LED patter indicating that the drive resets which could be caused by a bad script. 

Check for unsupported array indexes (such as negative numbers), unsupported argument values or variables that overflow, which could potentially make the drive reset.  

If the script's behavior is not as intended, modify the script accordingly.

If communication with the drive can be established, try to pause the scrip as soon as possible and then send a blank script to clear the script memory.

A delay of at least one ms must be introduced in any script loop.

 It is always a good practice to add a delay of a few seconds in the top of the script. This will allow to pause the script when the motor drive first powers on, before the bad codes start being executed. 

RunScript indication turns OFF

The script execution has finished. The script will run until all lines have been executed. If there is a loop, the execution will repeat as many times as the command specifies.

Additionally, the script might crash and stop its execution. 

Verify if there is an unconditional loop that permits the script to execute indefinitely.


Search for script errors that might be causing it to crash. These errors may include unsupported array indexes (such as negative numbers), unsupported argument values or variables that overflow

Confirm the main script is encapsulated within a deliberate infinite loop to ensure continuous operation. 

Fix the script errors that might cause it to crash. A good practice to find the specific line that is producing the error is to comment out specific parts of the script until the source of error is identified. 


RunScript indication does not turn ON

The script might be crashing and stopping if the RunScript indication fails to activate when the script is run.

The script has not been sent to the device.

The script has not been executed at least once, which is necessary for it to automatically start upon system startup.

Verify that all script variables are declared correctly and monitor the array indexes closely. Note that negative array indexes are not supported. Incorrect index values that exceed the array's size or are negative can cause the script to crash.

Ensure that the total number of variables and the length of arrays do not surpass the drive's capacity.

Confirm the script has been properly sent to the device.

 If the script is meant to run on startup, ensure that the auto-start configuration is complete and the script has been executed at least once post-configuration.

Declare and initialize all script variables using proper array indexes.

Ensure you do not use more variables than the drive supports, keeping in mind that the maximum number of variables includes array lengths as well.

After composing the script, use the 'Send to Device' function.

 Enable the 'Run on Startup' function and execute the script at least once to ensure automatic startup.



The setup status flag indicates that a motor/sensor setup calibration process is in progress.



Possible causes


Corrective Actions

Setup indication is ON

The motor sensor setup process, initiated by the user, is currently active; it is intended to be conducted only once for each motor to calibrate the commutation sensor positioning.

When using the encoder alone for commutation, the motor sensor setup needs to be performed at each drive startup and initiates automatically.

When using the encoder alone for commutation, a critical fault such as 'stall' or 'sensor error' can trigger an automatic motor sensor setup to recalibrate the sensors and address potential commutation issues.

If the setup process was initiated manually, it may still be in progress.

If the encoder is used as the sole feedback device for commutation, and the drive has been recently powered on, the motor sensor setup is a standard part of the initial startup procedure.

 Random activation of the setup process could indicate an additional fault flag that automatically initiates the motor/sensor process. Check for other fault flags indications that might coexist with setup flag. 

Allow the motor sensor setup to complete. This is  indicated by the setup LED turning OFF.

 If another error is indicated, refer to the respective fault flag troubleshooting guide and perform the required corrective actions as detailed in the documentation.

Setup indication remains active and does not turn OFF

The motor has a high number of poles. Motor/sensor setup duration is proportional to the pole pair count and extends with higher numbers.

A rare scenario such as a drive firmware issue could cause the motor/sensor setup to crash. 

If the motor/sensor setup button has been clicked, motor/sensor setup might be still running.

 Verify if the motor/sensor setup is exceeding the expected duration. Active setup can be identified by a non-zero value in the motor power parameter, indicating the PWM duty cycle. If the motor is connected, check for current flow in the windings through the motor amps parameter.

Allow the motor/sensor setup to complete its cycle.

 If the setup does not conclude automatically, use the "cancel" button. A drive power cycle may resolve the issue if canceling is ineffective. For persistent issues, reach out to Roboteq Technical Support.

Setup indication does not turn ON

If the motor/sensor setup button is clicked but the setup is not performed, then one or more controller errors might be preventing the process from running.

Check for any controller fault on the run tab. A common error that might prevent motor/sensor setup is a sensor error that is triggered by the lack of a sensor on any unused channel.

 Check for faults during motor/sensor setup. Sensor errors or short circuit errors are possible issues. The error might be occurring and being cleared automatically when returning to the run tab, and when a zero motor command is given. 

Disable the sensor error detection on the unused channels.

 To determine the fault, initiate the motor sensor setup from the console tab (!MSS command) and capture logs with the fault flags. Also, in firmware versions that support it, disabling the automatic fault clearance will allow the fault to be visible on the run tab.