First step
The user first needs to configure the ethernet settings on the controller, and to verify that the TCP connection is established successfully.
There is the relevant guide for this :
Simple ethernet connection example
Modbus settings in Roborun+
Roboteq Implementation
The supported functions are
- Read Holding Registers {0x03}
- Read Input Registers {0x04}
- Write Multiple Holding Registers {0x16}
Example : Send Emergency Stop
Once TCP connection with the client is established successfully, we can use the write function for an E-stop activation ( register 0x0180h or 384 decimal )
- Slave ID = 1
- First register = 384
- Values to write = 2
- Function Code = 16
- Minus offset = 0
- Register size = 16bit registers
- Values to write : 1 and 0.
We ensure that the command was received by checking Roborun+ status :