This guide provides troubleshooting information based on the motor flags triggered on the controller. It presents possible causes, along with suggestions for investigation and corrective actions. At the end of each motor flag table, a set of suggested stream commands for logging and troubleshooting is provided. Users can record and plot the logs or forward them to Roboteq support engineers for further analysis.



Amps Limit


The Amps Limit function regulates the motor's current, preventing it from reaching unsafe levels. The maximum allowable motor current is determined by three factors:


  • Amps Limit configuration
  • I2T protection
  • Max Output Power setting

Each of these three factors defines a maximum allowable motor current. The drive will regulate the motor current to the lowest of these values.


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The I2T configuration regulates the motor current based on three factors: the configured nominal current, the motor peak current (which is derived from the amps limit value), and the allowed duration of the peak current. Once the motor current integrator reaches the threshold calculated by the algorithm, the motor current will be reduced to 80% of the motor's nominal current.

The 'Maximum Motor Output Power' setting regulates the motor current based on the configured power and the torque constant, since the output power is equal to the motor speed multiplied by the torque constant (Kt) and the motor current:

 P [W] = Kt [Nm/A] * motor_current [A] * motor_Speed [rad/sec] =>

max_current [A] = max_Power [W] / ( Kt [Nm/A] * motor_Speed [rad/s])

It is important to note that all three parameters – power, torque constant, and motor speed – must be correctly configured for the motor to operate properly.

The amps limit value directly sets a cap on the maximum allowable motor current.


Trigger Condition



Motor current is about to exceed the allowed limits.

Motor current is limited to the maximum allowed value

The error automatically recovers when the motor current falls below the limit.


The troubleshooting table follows:


Possible causes


Corrective actions

Application Torque demands exceed the configured amps limit. This can occur either because the amp limit is incorrectly set to a lower value or because the application requirements exceed the permissible limits of the motor or drive.

Confirm that the amp limit current is reached by streaming the motor amps (A)

 Assess the motor's effort required for the intended task.

If feasible, increase the amp limit setting.

If the required effort exceeds the motor or controller permissible current limits, consider an upgrade.

 If an upgrade is not possible, consider reducing the acceleration/deceleration values. Lower acceleration/deceleration requires less current to perform the movement.

Commutation Error. Commutation issues may arise from firmware errors or sensor inaccuracies, affecting the motor's torque output.

Ensure that triggering amp limit is reasonable for the motor's load and dynamic profile.

For discrepancies between expected and actual performance, engage Roboteq support

Motor Failure. Motor failure can lead to increased friction and current consumption.

Check whether the rotor can rotate freely without load.

Verify that the motor is functional by testing it using special equipment.

Verify that all motor phases are properly connected to the motor drive's output.

 Confirm that the motor's no load current is at the at the accepted levels.

Repair or replace the motor if it's found to be defective.

I2T Activation. Activation of I2T protection reduces the allowable current to 80% of nominal, overriding the set amp limit.

Adjust the I2T settings to determine if they are affecting the amp limit threshold.

 Check that the nominal and peak currents, as well as the duration allowed for peak current, are correctly set.

If I2T is tripped despite correct settings, consider a motor upgrade.

Power Limiting. The 'Max Output Motor Power' parameter (MXPW) affects the set amp limit, adjusting the maximum current setting to align with the power constraints. The maximum current calculation is performed using both the 'Max Output Motor Power' and 'Torque Constant' parameters. Failure to configure both parameters correctly may lead to false positive amp limits.

Confirm that the correct values have been set for the 'Torque Constant' and 'Max Output Power' parameters. The parameter values can be obtained from the motor datasheet. If the 'Max Output Power' (MXPW) parameter is not provided directly, it can be determined from the motor's Torque-Speed curve by multiplying the maximum torque by the maximum speed at the maximum power point.

 Experiment with increasing the Max Power setting to identify if it affects the amps limit.

If settings are validated and limits are still activated, the motor might need upgrading or the application's requirements may need to be moderated.




The streams that can be sent for logging according to the sensor and the operating mode used follow:


Channel 1 and 2:


 Open Loop





# c_/?RMP 1_?BS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?RMP 2_?BS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2

# c_/?TR 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?TR 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?BS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?BS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2


# c_/?RMP 1_?S 1_?P 1_?A 1_?RMP 2_?S 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2

# c_/?TR 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?TR 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?S 1_?P 1_?A 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?S 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2


# c_/?RMP 1_?SS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?RMP 2_?SS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2

# c_/?TR 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?TR 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?SS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?SS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?FM 1_?FM 2_# 2


Stall Error


A stall error is triggered when there is no change in the feedback or the commutation sensor value for a specified duration. For the conditions of the error to be met, the Motor Power parameter (applied PWM duty cycle) must exceed a predefined value.

The error settings are defined by the time and the Motor Power parameters.



Trigger Condition



A motor voltage higher than the defined level is applied for more than the defined time, and the rotor does not move.

The motor is stopped by performing a 3-phase short.

A zero-motor command is issued in Open Loop, Speed mode, or Torque mode. A motor command equal to the motor feedback is sent in Position modes.


The troubleshooting table follows:


Possible causes


Corrective actions

Sensor Failure

Sensor Malfunction. A stall error may arise from the failure of the commutation or feedback sensors. If sensor error detection is active, it typically triggers an error first.

Confirm the integrity and presence of the sensor signals by observing them with an oscilloscope or by monitoring their values through Roborun+. The specific variables required for streaming will depend on the type of sensor in use.

Stream the sensor signals while the motor is rotating to identify any intermittent failures, which may not be initially evident. The specific stream variables needed for this task will vary based on the sensor type.

In case of sensor failure, proceed to replace the sensor.

Incompatible Sensor. Stall errors can occur if sensor signals fall outside the acceptable range. Sensor error detection, if enabled, is likely to activate first.

Stream the sensor signals during the motor's rotation. The specific variables required for streaming will depend on the type of sensor in use.

Review the sensor datasheet for signal level specifications and use an oscilloscope to validate these levels.

Refer to the Roboteq drive datasheets to verify that the signal levels are within the supported range.

 Ensure that the output type is compatible (e.g., not open-collector, or ensure that the appropriate pull-up resistors are used).

Ensure the sensor being used matches the required signal levels as specified.

Sensor Connection Issue. Intermittent or complete signal loss can be due to a loose or faulty sensor connection.

Stream the sensor signals while the motor rotates to check for intermittent failures, which may not be apparent initially.

Confirm the continuity of sensor signals throughout operation using an oscilloscope.

 Inspect and ensure the integrity of all cable connections.

Address any issues by repairing or replacing the cables or connections.

Motor issue

Possible causes


Corrective actions

The motor is jammed. There are physical constraints preventing motor rotation.

Manually verify the motor’s ability to rotate and check for any internal or external obstructions.

 Check if the motor can rotate without load by sending the VPM command. For more information about the VPM comand refer to the appendix of the troubleshooting guide.

If damage is identified, proceed with motor repair or replacement as required.

The brake is engaged. The motor brake, which typically disengages when the nominal voltage is applied, may still be engaged.

Verify that the brake disengages properly when activated. Perform a manual check to ensure the mechanism is releasing as intended.

For motor drive-controlled brakes, implement brake control by configuring the digital output function or directly managing the digital output signal.

When utilizing a controller with PWM for brake control, verify that the appropriate pull-in and holding voltages are correctly set according to the brake specifications.

Ensure the brake is receiving the correct voltage. If the Roboteq drive is not supplying the correct voltage despite the output being enabled, this could indicate potential damage to the digital output circuitry.

Note that the outputs from the Roboteq drive are of the open-collector type; hence, the brake's wiring should be configured to match this arrangement.

 If necessary, use an independent power supply to apply voltage directly to the brake. Correct voltage application should result in the brake disengaging. Failure to disengage may suggest potential damage.

Should the motor brake or the motor drive exhibit signs of malfunction, initiate repair or replacement procedures promptly.

Refer to the Roboteq Drive's Operating Manual for detailed guidance on establishing the correct brake connections.

If the issue stems from an incorrect configuration, take steps to rectify the configuration settings as per the system's requirements.

 For comprehensive troubleshooting instructions, particularly for hardware-related issues, consult the appendix of the Troubleshooting Guide.

Motor overload. If the required torque to move the load exceeds the capabilities of either the motor or the motor drive, the motor will stall.

Confirm that the motor is able to rotate without a load.

Measure the motor current when the motor stalls. If the motor current reaches its limits, then the motor might not be able to drive the excessive load.

Perform the necessary calculations to determine the required torque to move the motor.


f the required torque is provided but the motor still cannot rotate, contact technical support for further investigation.

 If the motor or the drive is not able to provide the required torque, consider an upgrade.

One or more motor phases are not connected. The motor's commutation will not be efficient if not all three motor phases are connected, and the motor will most likely not start at all.

Confirm the continuity of the cables throughout the path from the drive to the motor.

Repair any poor connections.

Controller issue

Possible causes


Corrective actions

Damaged drive inputs. The Roboteq drive may not read the signals correctly if its inputs are compromised, even if the sensor remains operational

Verify the sensor's signals with an oscilloscope and compare them to the streamed variables from the Roborun+ utility. The variables needed for streaming differ based on the sensor type

If a drive failure is suspected contact Roboteq technical support for further investigation

Wrong sensor configured for feedback: A wrongly configured feedback sensor can lead to a stall error being triggered. It's also possible for the motor to accelerate unexpectedly before the stall error is detected

Ensure that the correct sesor is selected for feedback. "Other" stands for encoder and SSI while "internal" stands for Hall, Sin/Cos and Resolver.

Configure the proper sensor for feedback. 

wrong sensor resolution. If the feedback sensor is also utilized for the commutation of the motor, an incorrectly configured resolution can result in unpredictable motor behavior and may cause the motor to stall.

Confirm that the correct resolution is set. If the problem insits, review the sensor's technical specifications from the manufacturer.

Reconfigure the sensor to the correct resolution to ensure proper commutation and prevent motor stalling.




A stall error may originate from a fault in the motor, sensor, or drive. In the event of sensor or drive input faults, a Sensor Error may be triggered first if it is enabled and applicable to the sensor in use.

The streams that can be sent for logging according to the sensor and the operating mode used, follow:


Open Loop





# c_/?RMP 1_?BS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CB 1_?RMP 2_?BS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CB 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CB 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CB 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?TR 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?BS 1_?TR 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?BS 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?BS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CB 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?BS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CB 2_?FF 1_# 2


# c_/?RMP 1_?S 1_?P 1_?A 1_?C 1_?RMP 2_?S 2_?P 2_?A 2_?C 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?C 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?C 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?TR 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?S 1_?TR 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?S 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?S 1_?P 1_?A 1_?C 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?S 2_?P 2_?A 2_?C 2_?FF 1_# 2


# c_/?RMP 1_?SS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CSS 1_?RMP 2_?SS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CSS 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CSS 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CSS 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?TR 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?SS 1_?TR 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?SS 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?SS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CSS 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?SS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CSS 2_?FF 1_# 2






Loop Error


A Loop Error is triggered if the runtime Loop Error is higher than the defined level for a duration longer than the specified time. The Error units are RPM in Speed mode, Feedback sensor counts in Position mode, and A/10 in Torque mode. In addition to custom configurations, there are default sets of Limit/time available for selection by the user. Please note that the custom configuration of the Loop Error is available exclusively in RoboG4 products. 

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Trigger Condition



Loop Error is higher than the defined level for longer than the defined time

The motor decelerates to 0 RPM following the fault deceleration

A zero-motor command is given in Speed or Torque mode and a command equal to the feedback value in position modes.


The troubleshooting table follows:

Possible causes


Corrective actions

Loop Error detection is not properly configured in relation to the motor's performance. Initially, the system should be tuned to attain the desired performance level. Subsequently, the loop error detection can be adjusted to activate if the motor fails to meet these performance expectations.

Investigate whether the system achieves the expected performance by recording current and speed logs.

If the maximum motor voltage is reached (as monitored by the motor power parameter), then the system's performance cannot be further enhanced.

 Examine if the Amps limit is being triggered. Should this limit be activated, it indicates that the system's performance cannot be improved further.

If the system achieves the desired performance and loop error detection is activated, the detection settings should be adjusted to avoid triggering during normal operation.

Consider using the custom Loop Error setting. In firmware version 2.1a, custom loop error detection can only be implemented in Position mode and by using runtime commands (FEW and FET).

 If a loop error is triggered but there is room for improvement, enhance system performance by adjusting the acceleration settings or optimizing the PID.

There is an unexpected permanent change in the motor's load. This can occur due to any kind of mechanical binding in the motor or mechanical system. If the motor performs slower than usual, it can trigger a loop error.

Inspect the motor and mechanical system.

Ensure that the motor can rotate freely without any load.

 Obtain speed and current logs from the motor's operation and compare them with theoretical data, as well as existing data from the motor's correct operation.

If the delayed behavior is caused by a mechanical issue, proceed to fix it.

The motor speed is reported as negative. In Open Loop, if a negative speed is measured while a positive motor command is provided, it can lead to a runaway condition upon transitioning to Closed Loop. This occurs because the measured speed will be inverted, and the set point will not be reached, eventually triggering a loop error.

Operate the motor in Open Loop. When a positive command is given, the reported speed should also be positive.

If the reported speed is inverted, perform the following actions:

For Hall sensors, invert the sign of the pole pairs (e.g., change from 5 to -5).
 For Quadrature Encoder sensors, invert the sign of the sensor resolution (e.g., change from 4096 to -4096).

Stall error is disabled, and there is a failure in the motor, sensor, or motor drive. If the motor is unable to rotate at all, stall detection should be the first protection mechanism to activate. However, if stall detection is disabled, then a loop error should be triggered next. Additionally, sensor error detection will also activate if it is enabled and applicable to the specific sensor in use.

Follow the investigative actions outlined in the Stall Error troubleshooting table.

Follow the corrective actions provided in the Stall Error Troubleshooting table.  

Sensor error detection is disabled, and there is an intermittent fault in the sensor or motor drive. The sensor error detection mechanism is designed to identify anomalies in the signals from various types of sensors such as Hall, Sin/Cos and Resolver. If sensor error detection is turned off or is not applicable to the sensor type in use (e.g., SSI sensors), then an intermittent fault—potentially caused by issues like a loose sensor connection—may impact the motor's responsiveness. Such faults may be detected by the loop error detection.
Follow the investigative actions outlined in the Sensor Error troubleshooting table.
Follow the corrective actions provided in the Sensor Error Troubleshooting table.  




The streams that can be sent for logging according to the sensor and the operating mode used follow:


Open Loop





# c_/?RMP 1_?BS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CB 1_?RMP 2_?BS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CB 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CB 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CB 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?TR 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?BS 1_?TR 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?BS 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?BS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CB 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?BS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CB 2_?FF 1_# 2


# c_/?RMP 1_?S 1_?P 1_?A 1_?C 1_?RMP 2_?S 2_?P 2_?A 2_?C 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?C 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?C 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?TR 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?S 1_?TR 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?S 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?S 1_?P 1_?A 1_?C 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?S 2_?P 2_?A 2_?C 2_?FF 1_# 2


# c_/?RMP 1_?SS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CSS 1_?RMP 2_?SS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CSS 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CSS 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CSS 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?TR 1_?F 1_?P 1_?A 1_?SS 1_?TR 2_?F 2_?P 2_?A 2_?SS 2_?FF 1_# 2

# c_/?RMP 1_?F 1_?SS 1_?P 1_?A 1_?CSS 1_?RMP 2_?F 2_?SS 2_?P 2_?A 2_?CSS 2_?FF 1_# 2







Quick Stop


Quick Stop is an action initiated by the user, either through a command or via the motor drive's configuration, that causes the motor to decelerate according to the 'Fault deceleration' parameter. Once the motor reaches zero speed, it attempts to maintain this speed until the Quick Stop is cleared. To achieve this deceleration and maintain zero speed, the drive switches to speed mode and remains in this mode until the Quick Stop is cleared, regardless of the previously used operating mode. For Quick Stop to function correctly, appropriate speed PID gains must be set. This requirement implies that speed mode tuning should be completed, even if the motor is normally controlled in a different mode, such as Torque.


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Important Note

Quick Stop functions by decelerating the motor in Speed mode. Therefore, it operates based on the configured Speed PID gains. It's essential to have already configured and tested the Closed Loop Speed mode prior to utilizing Quick Stop.


Trigger Condition



Quick Stop is triggered by user or a configured condition

The motor decelerates to 0 RPM following the fault deceleration

A zero-motor command is given in Speed or Torque mode and a command equal to the feedback value in position modes.


The troubleshooting table follows:


Possible causes


Corrective actions

In the DS402, there is a 'quick stop' command. This Quick Stop action in the DS402 is implemented through the Quick stop function of the Roboteq drive.

Confirm whether the FSA is in the 'quick stop' state.

A Quick stop is triggered by a command. A quick stop command can be issued through any of the supported communication modes or by a script command.

Investigate whether any device connected to the same bus is triggering a quick stop.

The Quick stop is set up as an action in the controller's configuration.

If the trigger's source is not obvious, check whether a quick stop is configured to activate under any of the following conditions:

CHB loss action
Encoder/SSI action on minimum/maximum
Digital input action
Analog/Pulse input action on minimum/maximum
Hall sensor counter action on minimum/maximum
Action on amps trigger

 Investigate the circumstances that could cause these triggering conditions to be met.

If the quick stop is accidentally triggered, clear the action in the configuration settings.

 If the quick stop is triggered by a system error, proceed with fixing that error.



To investigate the Quick Stop triggering conditions, enable the specific analog inputs that are configured to trigger the function and replace the 'cc' and 'nn' values in the streams with the number of the input. The other parameters log the counter values that may trigger the quick stop, as well as the motor current of both channels, which can also trigger a quick Stop action.


# c_/?AI cc_?AI nn_?PI cc_?PI nn_?C 1_?C 2_?CB 1_?CB 2_?CSS 1_?CSS 2_?A 1_?A 2_# 1








Limit Switch


The Roboteq drive enables the configuration of digital, analog, and pulse inputs, as well as the setting of minimum and maximum sensor values, to act as limit switches. When a limit switch is activated, it allows the motor to rotate only in the opposite direction from where it was moving when the switch was triggered. It is important to note that engaging a limit switch stops the motor through a three-phase short. Since the current generated during this short is proportional to the motor's speed, it is advisable to activate the limit switch when the motor is moving at a low speed for safety reasons.


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Important Note

Activating a limit switch while the motor is operating at high speeds can lead to the generation of high currents. This has the potential to cause damage to both the motor and the drive.


Trigger Condition



Triggering conditions are met (e.g. input enabled, sensor counter reached the limits). 

The motor can rotate only in the opposite direction from where it was moving when the switch was triggered.

Triggering conditions are NOT met (e.g. input disabled, sensor counter moved from the limits).


The troubleshooting table follows:



Possible causes


Corrective actions

The trigger condition is met

A limit switch action can be configured to be triggered in the folloowing cases:

Encoder/SSI sensor counter action at min/max

Digital input action

Analog/Pulse input action at min/max

Internal sensor counter action at min/max

 Amps trigger action

A limit switch is configured, but the flag is triggered without an apparent reason. A common cause for this occurrence is electrical noise or distortion of the input signal.

Check the input signals with an oscilloscope.

 Plot the raw analog and pulse values to examine the input signals.

If the signal is affected by electromagnetic interference (EMI), consider using pull-up or pull-down resistors.

Configuring the input as active low and using a pull-up resistor to have the input constantly connected to a positive voltage is a common practice to avoid EMI. When the switch is enabled, it should connect the digital input to ground. At least one resistor (pull-up or pull-down) should be used to prevent short circuits.

For brief signal drops, consider using an analog low-pass filter. A capacitor of a few microfarads (µF) would be sufficient in many cases.

 Consider implementing a script to process the signal and filter out electrical noise. An example script using limit switches can be found in the Freshdesk script examples section.



To investigate the Quick Stop triggering conditions, enable the specific analog inputs to which the limit switches are connected and replace the 'cc' and 'nn' values in the streams with the number of the input. The other parameters log the counter values that may trigger the limit switch action, as well as the motor current of both channels, which can also trigger a limit switch action.


# c_/?AI cc_?AI nn_?PI cc_?PI nn_?C 1_?C 2_?CB 1_?CB 2_?CSS 1_?CSS 2_?A 1_?A 2_# 1






Amps Trigger


Amps trigger can be configured to trigger an action if the rms value of the motor current (A) exceeds the defined value for longer than the defined time.


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Trigger Condition



the rms value of the motor current (A) exceeds the defined value for longer than the defined time

Depending on the setting. 

Depending on the action that is triggered. 


The troubleshooting table follows:


Possible causes


Corrective actions

The target current and delay time has been reached.

Ensure that the correct thresholds are set according to the application.

Set the appropriate thresholds.










The FETs OFF flag is activated each time the power stage is disabled. This flag coexists with the corresponding Fault flag that triggers the deactivation of the drive’s power stage.



Trigger Condition



A fault flag is enabled that has as an action the deactivation of power stage

The drive’s power stage is off.

Depending on the Fault flag that is related with. 




The troubleshooting must be conducted based on the coexisting Fault flag.